northwest dowsing
This device has been developed as a means to remove all geopathic stress from any environment and has an effective pattern of influence that is spherical in shape. It occurred to me one day that an arrangement of materials, shapes and patterns I had been investigating for several years might perform work of a sort that was not initially anticipated. As such it has proven to be a premier environmental clearing device. If you are not familiar with these concepts then please read the section on geopathic stress before proceeding.
The primary working components are the neutralizing Harmonizer Discs which I hand-cast from resin and unique silicates, a series of laminated, high resolution pictograms arranged on what I call resonator discs that give shape to the energy field and provide an enormous amount of output amplification and a coil which organizes energy flow through the device and provides a means to turn off the Harmonizer. Each pictogram and its arrangement resonates with the crystalline structure and dimensions of the disc to provide differing areas of coverage so the device is scalable. The smallest-sized Harmonizer Disc is 1.25 inches in diameter and may be carried in the pocket or purse for personal protection wherever you go.
"Wow, my (dowsing) rods do not cross any more. That's amazing!! I was checking the area every ten minutes and
the water vein vibrations had moved where it was not found before and then it disappeared. I am so happy!! I will
definitely refer people to you when I see that they have a problem with water veins. Thank you again for this
amazing tool!!!" - IK Connecticut
"Your Harmonizer packs quite a punch. The children and I have been singing all morning!" - SW Oregon
"I have had the opportunity to possess a Harmonizer....for the past four years. The large coil has been sitting on my
fireplace mantle ever since I received it. During part of the time it's been sitting there my older son and his wife and
two boys lived with me for a year. The house was calm, not quiet, but there were no feelings of ill will or harsh words
during their stay. I am a recently retired 4th grade teacher in an Inclusion class. My class was diverse and there were
students with beyond the norm needs. I placed the small Harmonizer in an out of the way place in the classroom. I
feel that part of the harmony that was achieved in my classroom can be attributed to the Harmonizer." - BB Florida
Got the package yesterday, thanks! Had many signs from mother Earth that we have successfully upgrades
frequencies on the entire property as well as for my daughter! Property and house feel much "lighter" and joyful. So
grateful for you and your service. - CH Arizona
As a dowser and energy worker I have been investigating and clearing properties here
in the pacific northwest and beyond for years. The nature of this region generates a lot
of geopathic stress much of it in the way of underground moving water, fault lines and
ley lines, that have a powerful effect on our nervous and immune systems. In the beginning I started eliminating these and other geopathic stresses one-by-one with earth acupuncture which precisely places thin metal rods in the ground to re-direct these disruptive energies up and over a property. After several years of doing this I learned to work with nature co-creatively to clear properties which is much more thorough and requires no mechanical aids such as metal rods and can be performed remotely anywhere in the world. Nature could hold form and keep any new energies at bay for a week to a couple of months depending on how volatile a property was (location, location, location). In the last few years I have noticed that new energies would start creeping in as soon as the very next day on the more dynamic locations.
The presence of flowing water in the earth beneath my feet produces in me a very
pronounced feeling of either sadness and melancholy or agitation. The difference is usually caused by the nature of the pollutants carried by the water, if any. Where I live there is a lot of underground water, especially in the winter, and keeping up with removing the associated disruptive energy fields is a full time job. This was the motive force in the development of the Earthfield Harmonizer. It took about a year to develop the Harmonizer in its present form.
"Hi Arthur, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the Harmonizer. I live right next to a flowing creek that
is in a valley with many underground springs flowing off of the hillside. Just standing outside most places read 2 to 3
milligauss. Plus it's loaded with stress points. Inside the house had stress points galore. I could hardly find anywhere
to sleep where my dowsing rods would not cross. But now it's all great. You are awesome and so is the Harmonizer!!
I can't thank you enough Arthur for what you do. Please accept my sincerest gratitude and blessing to you sir."
- JG Pennsylvania
"I love our Harmonizer. Our home was very active with earthbound spirits and we are a family of sensitives. Before
the Harmonizer worked here the lights in our bedroom (most active area for me) wouldn't work and I would watch
"them" turn things on. I couldn't ignore objects gliding around from a shelf five feet away to land gently at my feet.
Soon I felt a change and guess what, the lights started to work again and no problems. Thank you for helping us.
Blessings to you (and yours). Your device helps my husband, son and ALL who enter our home. Please keep up
with your writing and helping others. You have made a huge difference in my life and the lives of my loved ones.
I'm forever grateful." - MJ California
"We had a terrible ant problem in our kitchen in Port Townsend, WA. Since we had pets, we were hesitant to use
any commercial ant sprays. Ant traps seemed less harmful but were ineffective. Then we tried the Harmonizer and
within a very short time all traces of these annoying home invaders disappeared. A few years later we moved to
Pennsylvania and our first spring season in our new home welcomed us with an onslaught of tiny red ants that
appeared in an army-like formation. They were first sighted in our dishwasher and pantry. Though we were diligent
about ridding the areas of crumbs or food particles, they still prevailed. Luckily we had packed the Harmonizer with
us when we moved and immediately placed it on the kitchen counter as directed. Once again our problem ceased
and we haven't had a single ant invasion since using it. It's an amazing invention that requires no maintenance
whatsoever, has no expiration date and best of all is safe around our four legged friends. One positive experience
could possibly be by chance. To be able to use it repeatedly with success leaves no doubt in my mind that it's the
Harmonizer at work. I can't recommend it more highly." - HV/RCN Pennsylvania
Thank you, Arthur. There have been so many changes in my awareness since I had your harmonizer in my house.
Blessings. - IB Connecticut
OMG Arthur you are a Genius! Tuesday night I had dinner with a friend for her birthday and I told her about the device
I'd ordered from you. Mentioned that one of the comments on your website from a purchaser was that their dowsing
rods no longer would cross when your device arrived in their home. Soooo ... I dug around and found my dowsing rods
and my friend insisted on taking pictures of me and my crossed dowsing rods throughout different areas of my home.
Your device arrived on Wednesday as promised and I placed it in my bedroom. I had very intense dreams last night
and this morning tried to use my dowsing rods and they would not cross! "Fingers-crossed" that my health will improve
now that I'm no longer sleeping over a Hartmann Cross. Thank you for being you! - ES Illinois
The Harmonizers utilizing the coil should be oriented face up with the pictogram
showing. It can be placed out for display or in a drawer or closet or even hung vertically on a wall as the effective field passes through most anything. It should not be placed on or within three feet of any electronic device, as this will diminish its effective field. It can be “turned off” by turning it over so the pictogram is face down. When you do this, however, all the geopathic stress will return instantly. The pictogram included with the instruction sheet will turn off a Harmonizer Disc without an attached coil, if so desired, by placing the disc (or several discs) on the pictogram.
It does not have to be oriented to any compass direction and needs no recharging,
clearing or any attention at all. It does not contain any magnets. It should be kept out
of direct sunlight and the elements. The small Harmonizer disc has even survived an
accidental trip through the washing machine with no damage to the pictogram although
it is not designed for this. Place the Harmonizer in a central location inside the home. If the home is two stories I usually suggest placing the Harmonizer on the first floor.
The small Earthfield Harmonizer Disc is designed for carrying in a pocket or purse, in
the car, at the office or wherever it is needed. It is excellent for clearing apartments, hotel rooms, offices and smaller areas. It will place a bubble of electromagnetic protection (all geopathic stress is electromagnetic) around you up to 150 feet in all directions depending on location.** It really helps easing stress at the mall, airports, dining out, seating at theaters and such as the effective field mellows out wherever you are. Each Harmonizer is mailed with a small Harmonizer Disc to carry with you.
If you have ants in the house they will leave in a few days.
As organisms we were never designed to live in this world with the technology we
have come to adopt. We have been so accustomed to living in a toxic soup of manmade, chaotic energy and earth-energy distortions that it’s sometimes hard to
determine normal when normal has been artificial for so long. The harmonizer has
been developed as a way to help correct these negative influences.
The Earthfield Harmonizers and Harmonizer Discs are also premier energizers of
water. All you have to do is hold the printed pattern up to a glass or jar of water for
about 5 or 6 seconds and the energy field of the water will expand greatly. The vessel
should be smooth, clear and without any patterns on it, printed or otherwise.
The idea for the Harmonizer just came to me one day. I built a working model in a couple of hours by dowsing all design elements and developed the different pictograms (the geometric and circular, printed patterns) in a few more days. I have since experimented with numerous classic patterns but have never found any with the properties and influence better or as energizing as the original designs. After that it was fine tuned as needed. The Harmonizer is not an orgone generator.
Once I had working models I spent about two or three days a week for a year reading the influence of its energy field outside in the country. There I tried every different possible combination of image, disc size and coil diameter and length by endlessly walking back and forth dowsing the effective range of influence where the local geopathic stresses ceased to be and started back up again. I must have walked a hundred miles. After a year I compiled the data and only then really began to understand how the Harmonizers operated.
While the coil organizes the energy flow through the disc by giving it a "positive spin", it will also turn off the effects of the device by reversing the flow and effectively shunting it to ground when the disc is turned face down. Also, the coil further amplifies certain pictograms while diminishing certain others. The coil isn't necessary for a Harmonizer disc to work but makes for a perfect synergy possessing all the capabilities and properties possible in the design.
How the pictograms seem to work is a bit more baffling to most. There are three that I use but only one is pictured. My explanation is that energy recognizes itself in any form it takes because everything is energy, i.e. subatomic particles of oscillating light in space, and form is only an illusion in which we three-dimensional beings operate. At the base of every physical (and therefore energetic) thing is the geometry from which it is assembled, all of which is contained within the Flower of Life. These forms, known as sacred geometry, and the power they hold have been known to all civilizations past and present. As form is defined by the energy it contains the pictograms and their components act somewhat like circuit boards in that they control energy flow via interaction with the energetic structure of the harmonizer disc. Since everything is made of energy then everything has an electromagnetic field. Affect the field and you affect the thing. All geopathic stress is electromagnetic so the Earthfield Harmonizers have been designed to affect this level and range of frequencies.
I've often thought it possible that some of the unknown calligrafic or mysterious markings found on relics of known or unknown origin may be energizing pictograms that perform work of a kind as yet not understood. Even your credit card is the shape and size it is and feels so good in your hand because it is a perfect example of sacred geometric proportion in industrial design.
One last interesting note. Any Harmonizer can be scaled up or down to area of
coverage simply by placing a different pictogram over the one that is already attached
to it. Effectively it "sees" what we see. This property allows the owner to scale it to
their home or property should they move avoiding the need to buy another one. The
rules are a little different for each model of Harmonizer but mostly this is the case.
After a year of development I sent out many Harmonizers near and far to either energy
sensitive people or to those with differing needs to get their feedback. I did this for
another year. After a little refinement here and there it was finished.
The 3.5 inch Earthfield Harmonizer with a standard pictogram will clear an average
sized lot (5-6,000 square feet) with houses up to 2000 square feet up to two stories in height. For homes over 2000 square feet or on very large lots a more energizing pictogram can be substituted for the standard one. If you live on acreage then I can adjust the smaller disc that accompanies each order to the desired size. In this case the smaller disc will come shrink-wrapped to protect it from the elements and will need to be placed outside on the property in a central location out of direct sunlight.
The discs without a coil when used outdoors with either one or two of the same or differing pictograms attached will cover properties from approximately one to 100 acres. For areas of coverage other than standard please email me before ordering so that I may attach a proper pictogram. When contacted I usually look up the property on Google Earth to get a feel for it so that I may design the right Harmonizer and indicate the proper placement.
It is with great satisfaction I can state that no one who has obtained an Earthfield Harmonizer for geopathic stress removal has ever returned it. They work that well.
**The Harmonizers scale their effective energy fields up or down according to their
location. Outdoors and unencumbered the range of coverage is much larger than
indoors where they have to compensate for all electrical appliances, machinery,
cell/cordless phones, routers, computers, office equipment, entertainment systems,
house wiring, etc. Much effort has gone into making them in appropriate dimensions
for general use. The Harmonizers as pictured are suitable for most average locals.
Copyright this business. All rights reserved.
northwest dowsing